Sunday, February 29, 2004

Aristide is Out; US is IN

From FoxNews:
Haiti's beleaguered President Jean-Bertrand Aristide resigned and flew into exile Sunday. Gunfire crackled throughout the capital as it fell into chaos, and the United States said international peacekeepers — including Americans — would be deployed soon.

Three hours after Aristide's departure, Supreme Court Justice Boniface Alexandre declared at a news conference that he was taking over as called for by the constitution. He urged calm.

President Bush acknowledged Haiti's new leadership Sunday afternoon and said that U.S. Marines would lead a contingent of international troops in the Caribbean island nation.

Matt's Chat

This sounds like a Clintonesque misadventure...

Here is my basic problem with this: Aristide was democratically elected. I will admit, I don't follow Haitian politics, therefore I don't know much about Aristide or his administration; but I do follow American politics and I thought we were all about supporting democracy.

I'd like to hear from the President on why we are engaging in this action...

UPDATEAfter taking a look at a statement from Press Secretary Scotty, I begin to understand why we're doing this:
This long-simmering crisis is largely of Mr. Aristide's making. His failure to adhere to democratic principles has contributed to the deep polarization and violent unrest that we are witnessing in Haiti today. His own actions have called into question his fitness to continue to govern Haiti. We urge him to examine his position carefully, to accept responsibility, and to act in the best interests of the people of Haiti.
- Scott McClellen (02/28/04)

Mark's Remarks

Wait, am I hearing this right? Are libs favoring preemption and unilateral action? But, oh, they want to do it to a small inkblot of an island with little strategic or significant value. They want to go in and beat up on Haitians. Well, let's look back at the last time Dims had their way.....

Somalia--Americans killed because the Dims just wanted us to sit back and get shot at and dragged through the streets. Emboldened Osama and paved the way for 9/11.

In my opinion, the Bush administration did the right thing. You know, he even did things the way liberals wanted him to act on Iraq. He waited for the UN to come to an agreement to send in a multinational force, and he then did that.

What liberals are really upset about is that we did not go in and shush up the stories rising up about how THE CLINTON APPROVED AND PROPPED UP president was a drug lord, how his administration was corrupt, and how he was oppressive. That is what the Dims are really upset about.

And talk about hypocrisy. They want preemption and unilateral action on an island with no weapons of significance, and who seem merely to want to kill each other, but they do not want us messing with a mass murdering, mass raping, mass pillaging dictator who threatened US interests around the world and supported terror? Someone please tell me the rationality in that?

UPDATE: Dem Dems Say:

"He's ignored Haiti as much in the same way he's ignored much of the countries in this hemisphere," said Edwards, "The proper thing to do is for America to be part of a U.N. force to secure the country," he said.

"He's late, as usual," Kerry said of Bush. "I never would have allowed it to get out of control the way it did. This administration empowered the insurgents."
Source: FoxNews

Matt's Chat: Ah, the Party of Love continues their "positive" campaign. Edwards is using his "positive" rhetoric when he clearly has no idea what he's talking about. Kerry, the Brett Favre of Dem candidates (Monday quarterbacking), again uses "positive" language to reassure the American people that he would never have let this happen as if he (or the President) had any control over the situation.

The reality is that the United States doesn't have control over the world. And we shouldn't. These guys are trying to fool you into thinking that if they were in charge, everyone would bust out in song. Ain't. Gonna. Happen.

President's Statement

From the White House:
President Aristide resigned. He has left his country. The Constitution of Haiti is working. There is an interim President, as per the Constitution, in place.

I have ordered the deployment of Marines, as the leading element of an interim international force, to help bring order and stability to Haiti. I have done so in working with the international community. This government believes it essential that Haiti have a hopeful future. This is the beginning of a new chapter in the country's history.

I would urge the people of Haiti to reject violence, to give this break from the past a chance to work. And the United States is prepared to help.

- President George W. Bush (02/29/04)