Saturday, February 21, 2004

Episode Four of WMDtv

Another great show for the archives!

While there were a few technical difficulties behind the scenes, the show went off rather well. We'll post replay dates/times as soon as they are available.

Matt is putting together the promised web version of Mark's "Economy and Jobs" segment with the charts that we were unable to present on the show. Mark will be providing the commentary for that page later today, so hopefully we'll have a link for you by the end of the weekend (and maybe by the end of the day).

Show Recap

Matt: "Welcome to episode 4 of WMDtv. Tonight I need to give the liberals in our audience the warning right up front: this show will get your underwear in a bunch, because tonight we are examining a couple of issues that will expose the liberal bias in the media. And, we are calling them on it. The propagandists on the news are telling you, the American people, that the mudslinging is about to come in the presidential election season. That is complete nonsense! Democrats have been given a pass from the media regardless of whatever obnoxious mud they throw at this President. But we'll get to the latest from the media smear machine in a few minutes.

Tonight we are also going to delve in to the Democrat's misleading statements on jobs and the economy. My co-host, Mark Garbett, will guide us through the numbers and shed some light on the conflicting statements that you are hearing from the media and the Democrats running for president.

Finally, tonight we examine the issue of weapons proliferation and what the President is doing about stopping the spread of these deadly weapons. What we will tell you about who is involved may surprise you.
[This segment was bumped due to time constraints - I'll try to put together a web segment for this as well]

Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to choose your weapon and let's get it on!"

Opening Credits [B-roll sequence]

The Texas Air National Guard Smear

Media Bias [Transition from TANG to Kerry Scandal - media reports on TANG and Bush 41 "affair" but doesn't report Kerry Scandal - no evidence for any of it]

Kerry Scandal
Thank GOD for Matt Drudge!

Primary Caucus Update
Since the last show, Renfield Clark dropped out and endorsed Kerry; Kerry got endorsements from several unions; and Howard Dean dropped out.

Salute to How Weird Dean [B-roll video clip - coming soon to WMD: The Blog]

Economy & Jobs [Mark]
+ Democrats and the "3 Million 'Lost' Jobs"
+ Looking at Reality
+ Charts [segment was cut due to tehcnical difficulty - web version coming soon]
+ The Economy and Tax Cuts

Weapons Proliferation [Matt - this segment was cut due to time constraints, but we got an unsolicited phone message at the studio that we covered.]

Conclusion [Contact and show information]

Closing Credits [B-roll audio sequence]


Mark's column on Jobs and the Economy is up!