Sunday, February 29, 2004

Sixteenth Minute Update: Hans Blix is Back

From the Navhind Times:
Former chief United Nations weapons inspector Mr Hans Blix said today he suspected the United States bugged his office and home in the run-up to the Iraq war, but had no hard evidence.

Describing such behaviour as “disgusting”, Mr Blix told Britain’s Guardian newspaper in an interview: “It feels like an intrusion into your integrity in a situation when you are actually on the same side.”

His allegation came on top of a diplomatic row sparked this week when former British minister Ms Clare Short said Britain bugged UN Secretary General Mr Kofi Annan’s office as London and Washington tried but failed to win UN backing to invade Iraq.

Mr Blix said his suspicions were raised when he had trouble with a telephone connection at home.

“It might have been something trivial or it might have been something installed somewhere, I don’t know,” he said.
Emphasis is ours, as usual. Hat tip to Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report.

Matt's Chat

This guy can't even come up with an original conspiracy theory, for crying out loud. What a crank. Hans, are you planning on running for an election or something? Whatever it is you are trying to accomplish, just come on out and say it so we can all laugh at you and get it over with...

Mark's Remarks

Mr. Blix, until you have evidence, you should not be making such charges. It is YOUR conduct which is disgusting, sir. You, like your UN comrades, who sought to appease Saddam over and over, even as women were being raped and atrocities going on. We are tired of hearing how you were so persecuted, sir. You had little to do but actually seek the truth. However, there appears to be mounting evidence that members of your group, other inspectors, and other UN bodies along with member nations were taking kickbacks from Saddam. So, Hans, I ask you: did you take some of Saddam's money?

Other than that, just go back to being one of the worst failures in history. At least then you know, your name will be in the history books. However, like Bill Clinton, you are trying your best to rewrite your pathetic legacy. We will not let you succeed. You, along with Michael Moore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton, are TRUE MISERABLE FAILURES.