Monday, February 16, 2004

ZipperGate II: The Conclusion (?)

From the Drudge Report:

A woman at the center of John Kerry intrigue dated longtime Kerry Finance Director Peter Maroney, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

When pressed by media outlets in recent week, the Kerry campaign confirmed the relationship, according to top sources.

Alex Polier on Monday denied "Internet and tabloid rumors relating to me and Senator John Kerry."

Rumors swirling around Polier ignited a behind-the-scenes campaign drama.

As first reported in this space, a serious investigation of the woman and the nature of her relationship with Sen. John Kerry has been underway at TIME magazine, ABC NEWS, the WASHINGTON POST, THE HILL and the ASSOCIATED PRESS, where the woman in question once worked.

TIME magazine's Tim Burger and ABC NEWS have developed intriguing elements to the case, sources reveal.

She would joke that she was dating the next president of the United States, says a source.

Matt's Chat

Much ado about I expected...but it still doesn't excuse the press for ignoring the story. They had NOTHING to go on. The same nothing they had on Pres. Bush 41 and his "sex scandal" and the Pres. Bush 43 Texas Air National Guard "AWOL/Deserter" story as well.

If nothing else, we got a good media bias double standard story out of it and that is more than enough for me.

Glad to hear that the Democrats aren't putting up a total lecher as their nominee afterall.

Discuss amongst yourselves...

Mark's Remarks

I do not think this is over. Some in Dimocrapic circles have said Kerry is a playboy and that there has been an infidelity issue that cost him serious consideration for the nomination for VP in 2000. I think there is more to this story. Also, in the original story, it said Kerry was involved with an intern. Obviously, Ms. Polier was not an intern.

Another troubling issue that raises more questions than answers: why would Ms. Polier's parents call Kerry a sleazeball and say that Kerry was after their daughter, then a few days later recant? Could there have been some threats? After all, the Clintonista mafia has some shady dealings in the past....and then there are the reports of Vince Foster and Ron Brown, to remind us of shady dealings....also, why have certain stories and coverage dropped or been dangled at the Dimocrapic contenders? Could it be the Clintonistas sabotaging any nominee so Hillary will have a clear shot in 08? Just some musings.....

I think there is an intern out there especially with all the charges of Kerry's past playboying and his habit of using women to get what he wanted ($$$$ from first wife and of course Mrs. Big Ketchup).

However, this whole flap illustrates something very important. The media IS biased. They have been exploring this ridiculous and superfluous Guard flap to smear Bush, but they refused to even acknowledge there was a story in this Kerry thing, even though the idea of infidelity and maritial trust is an important issue, especially in matters of integrity and leadership. It should be obvious to those who don't have their head up the liberal donkey's butt that the media is biased, that they are the willing cohorts of the Dimocrapic party, and will ignore the charges against Dims that might harm them, all to get at Bush. Shameful, this bias going on.