Thursday, March 04, 2004

Hispanic Caucus Withdraws Call for Brown's Resignation

From Fox News
House Rep. Henry Bonilla, a founding member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (search), has taken back his demand that Rep. Corrine Brown (search) resign her seat in Congress for remarks she made accusing the Bush administration of racism in its Haiti policy.

But even after Bonilla accepted Brown's apology, he said the fact that her comments raised few hackles demonstrates a double standard among Democratic Party members.

"If a Republican had made such derogatory, insulting and discriminatory remarks there would be a firestorm of outrage. The current silence is deafening," Bonilla, R-Texas, said. "If we truly advocate zero tolerance for racism, then we must insist the statement be addressed."
Hat tip to Rob Bernard.

Matt's Chat

WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE??? Republicans let the Democrats get away with this stuff all the time and this is why we get painted in to corners...don't give them an inch or they'll take us a mile.

Mark's Remarks

I could not agree more....We have got to start drawing the lines...the dims didn't let Trent Lott get away with his gaffe even when he apologized all over the place and even went on BET. Where has C. Brown been on univision or telemundo? Never. We cannot let the racist and anti-semitic and anti-american liberals continue to get free passes....We need to start taking a stand. Brown and her ilk can bite me!!!! Wait, that is Matt's line....uh....Brown and her ilk can take a flying leap into Haiti for all I care....