Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Dem Lame Idea of the Day: INFILTRATION!

From the New York Times:
It is accepted as an article of faith among protesters planning to demonstrate against the Republican National Convention this summer that agents seeking to undermine their efforts have infiltrated their ranks. But now the protesters are talking about infiltrating the convention to undermine the event itself.

"Really?" said Kevin Sheekey, president of the New York City Host Committee, when told that protesters were talking about flooding the ranks of volunteers to disrupt convention operations.

The city is obligated to find a total of 8,000 New Yorkers to volunteer to help things run smoothly, and would-be protesters are hoping that by signing up, they can work from the inside during the convention, scheduled Aug. 30 through Sept. 2.

"A lot of people are talking about it in general," said William Etundi Jr., a founder of, a Web site that serves as a bulletin board for anti-convention activities. "The Republicans are coming to New York City, so maybe the real New York should come to them."

Matt's Chat

I was watching an episode of The West Wing last night on Bravo. The episode featured the character of Toby meeting with a group of protesters. These protesters were so lame that Toby had to protest himself just to get some satisfaction out of the event. I think this sort of "Trojan horse" approach is a lot like that: LAME.

Mark's Remarks

The Left has completely lost it. They think of this not as a campaign but as a war. HELLO! We have war, over in Iraq. This is not war.....grow the heck up.

Secondly, if John Kerry is such a great candidate, why the need for dirty tricks? Isn't this same type of "infiltration" and such the crime of Richard Nixon and Co.? Doesn't this idea run counter to the notions of free speech and rights to assemble peacefully? Where is the ACLU? Where are the folks saying this is dirty tricks? Oh, wait, it is the Left, and we know the Partisan Press (tm) LOVES the Left, if for nothing else just to take up airtime with hot air, signifying nothing.