Monday, April 26, 2004

UPDATE: Bush Pushes for Broadband Tax Ban

From The AP via MyWay News
President Bush on Monday urged Congress to slap a permanent ban on taxes consumers pay for high-speed Internet hookups called broadband. During a speech in Minnesota, he also touted proposals to make electronic medical records the norm and move hydrogen fuel technology from the lab to the showroom.

"There are jobs being created during this period of economic transition," Bush told about 2,000 community college, business and other leaders attending the American Association of Community Colleges annual convention in Minneapolis.

Mark's Remarks

Yep, this merely confirms the idea that Bush does not care about the people, that he is EVILtm!

Seriously, this President is doing more to expand electronic services to people than has been done, and is working hard to keep access open to people regardless of income, and to keep such access from being taxed. He is opening doors, showing vision, while the Dumocraps can't seem to get past failed economic plans of Jimmy Carter (for that, check out Kerry's so called Job Creation plan and look at Jimmy's...then look at the amazing results of Jimmy's plan).

Matt's Chat

I don't care who takes credit, I just don't want to pay taxes on my internet access. Period. Got it?