Friday, April 30, 2004

We Are Winning

From the US Department of State:
There were 190 acts of international terrorism in 2003, a slight decrease from the 198 attacks that occurred in 2002, and a drop of 45 percent from the level in 2001 of 346 attacks. The figure in 2003 represents the lowest annual total of international terrorist attacks since 1969.

A total of 307 persons were killed in the attacks of 2003, far fewer than the 725 killed during 2002. A total of 1,593 persons were wounded in the attacks that occurred in 2003, down from 2,013 persons wounded the year before.

In 2003, the highest number of attacks (70) and the highest casualty count (159 persons dead and 951 wounded) occurred in Asia.

There were 82 anti-US attacks in 2003, which is up slightly from the 77 attacks the previous year, and represents a 62-percent decrease from the 219 attacks recorded in 2001.

Matt's Chat

Don't let the naysayers from the Party of Lovetm fool you. We are winning. Furthermore, don't let them get away with telling you otherwise... The battle we fight here at home is the Battle of Perception. The media is all about ratings and money so don't count on them to be on our side on this one...

Mark's Remarks

What? You mean we are actually preventing terrorism? No way! This cannot be true! Dan Rather says otherwise, as do others at CBS, ABS, NBS, CNBS, MSNBS and CNBS.

Well, is true. We are winning, even despite the Dimcan'ts wanting the war to go badly, wanting more soldiers killed, wanting more people out of work....We are winning the war on terror, we are getting it done. It is not easy, it is not without cost; but it is right...and it is working. God bless our President and our troops. Too often we gloss over saying thank you, but these brave men and women are getting it done. Unlike that idiot from UMASS Gonzalez, who said people like Pat Tillman and his comrades who gave all are not heroes, but in fact deserve to die; we here at WMD know that these men and women have given freely, and BECAUSE of their noble sacrifices, idiots like Gonzalez can live in freedom able to say this disgusting things he does. It is a shame, however, that he is such an ungrateful a$$. Most Americans, however, realize the sacrifice and pray for our soldiers.