Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Blind Sheik Update

From the New York Post:
The blind sheik who plotted to blow up New York City landmarks has been whining about the brand of tea he's forced to endure in prison, the prosecutor who put him away testified yesterday.

Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman complained often about the way he was treated in prison — demanding either Tetley or Lipton tea, prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said. He couldn't recall which of those two brands the blind cleric favored.

The sheik even threatened to eat M&Ms or stop taking insulin for his diabetes if he didn't get his teabag of choice, Fitzgerald said.

Matt's Chat

How dare we violate this prisoner's right to Lipton! This is torture, pure and simple. I mean, he's threatening to eat M&M's for crying out loud! We'd better do something!

This guy can rot in hell for all I care. He is a miserable human being and a pathetic misuse of otherwise prefectly good oxygen.

Mark's Remarks

My heavens! Call Ted Kennedy and Co.! This is worse than Abu Gharib. This is worse than Paul Johnston or Mr. Berg. This is so terrible, not getting the proper tea for a terrorist who wanted to kill Americans! Let the Senate hearings start and let the testimony begin. This is a new low on the part of treatment of prisoners, I am so ashamed....NOT!!!!!

I don't give a rat's butt if this guy eats MandM's and blows his sugar sky high and kills himself. I don't care that he hates the tea he is getting. He tried to kill Americans. I don't care if he has to live in a cell. I just want America secure for Americans. Know what I mean? Who is with me?

John Kerry Delinda Est!