Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Saddam Update

From Yahoo News:
"I am Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) al-Majid, president of the Republic of Iraq (news - web sites)," the jailed dictator said haughtily as he greeted the head of an Iraqi tribunal, who talked him through his upcoming hearing.

Saddam wore his trademark moustache, a grey "dishdash," or traditional Arab dress, and appeared to have lost a lot of weight, an assistant to the tribunal's head, Salem Chalabi, told AFP.

The former strongman greeted Chalabi and his colleagues who visited him Wednesday morning at a high-security jail in Baghdad with a "cold hello," the assistant said.

"And then he asked: 'Are you going to question me today?'"

Showing his disdain for his visitors during the five-minute meeting, Saddam remained seated as everyone around him stood, according to the assistant.

From This is London:
Britain accepts that Saddam Hussein is likely to be executed by the Iraqi government for war crimes, senior Government sources have revealed.

The former dictator is facing what one senior Iraqi called "the trial of the century" after he was transferred from American to Baghdad legal custody today. He will remain in the physical custody of US forces.

He is due to appear in court tomorrow along with 11 of his henchmen including former deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz and Ali Hassan Al Majid, also known as "Chemical Ali".

Matt's Chat

See my thoughts on the Blind Sheik below...I feel similarly about Saddam and his thugs...

Mark's Remarks

Saddam and company can spend a week at Abu Gharib under Saddam's rules for all I care. I say we turn Saddam loose in NYC, or better yet, turn him loose in Cincinnati. He wouldn't last ten minutes.

I am sick and tired of hearing about rights, rights, rights. When did an animal like Hussein ever care about rights? When? As he watched tortures and rapes and maimings? I know we need to take the high ground, but for heaven's sake, what about justice?

John Kerry Delinda Est!