Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Iraqi Group: Zarqawi Get Out or We'll Kill You

From FOX News:
A group of armed, masked Iraqi men threatened Tuesday to kill Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (search) if he did not immediately leave the country, accusing him of murdering innocent Iraqis and defiling the Muslim religion.
In a videotape sent to the al-Arabiya television station, a group calling itself the "Salvation Movement," questioned how al-Zarqawi could use Islam to justify the killing of innocent civilians, the targeting of government officials and the kidnapping and beheading of foreigners.

"He must leave Iraq immediately, he and his followers and everyone who gives shelter to him and his criminal actions," said a man on the video.

Matt's Chat

I must say, I don't mind this development at all...

Mark's Remarks

While I am glad to see Iraqis wanting to do something, using the same methods as the terrorist are not the answer. The answer is to hunt this man down and bring him to justice, because we have to show the world (both Iraqis and Americans do) that we are going to be based on the rule of law, and not mob rule. Iraq cannot succumb to the compunction for vigilante justice or mob rule, because then they will prove their enemies (like the American media, the Democratic Party, John Kerry, et. al.) correct in that they are not able to sustain democracy. Hunt down this animal, but bring him in. However, should he put up a fight, feel free to terminate with extreme prejudice.

John Kerry Delinda Est!