Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Judicial Confirmations

From the CyberCast News Service:
The U.S. Senate, allowed to make an up-or-down vote on one of President Bush's judicial nominees, confirmed the nomination of J. Leon Holmes as a U.S. District judge on Tuesday.

The vote was 51-46.

Conservative groups were delighted, but liberal groups -- determined to block any and all conservative, pro-life candidates -- were outraged.

Holmes's confirmation came after 18 months of filibustering by senators who support a woman's right to abortion.

Matt's Chat

The Kerry/Edwards campaign were spewing too...

And, I think I have the Edwards pick figured out...Kerry is going to need a trial lawyer for the heresy complaint that has been filed against him with the Church...

National Review's C. Boyden Gray has a great article on another nominee, Claude Allen, that sheds some light on what the Democrat obstructionists are up to...

Mark's Remarks

Yes, I know, I know, anyone who personally believes abortion is wrong has no business serving the country, right? Then I guess John Kerry will be dropping out in an hour right, since he said he believes life begins at conception and he doesn't like abortion right? I mean, that would be intellectually honest. Whoops, did I mention honesty in the same breath as Kerry or any other lib? My bad.

John Kerry Delinda Est!