Thursday, July 01, 2004

Kerry on Immigration

From the Arizona Republic:
Sen. John Kerry pledged Tuesday in Phoenix that within 100 days of becoming president he would ask Congress for immigration reforms that would put undocumented immigrants on a path toward U.S. citizenship and establish a guest-worker program for temporary labor.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's proposal for "earned legalization" brought cheers from a highly partisan audience of more than 4,000 members of the National Council of La Raza.

Matt's Chat

This would be a disaster of biblical proportion. Rewarding people for breking the law is not an effective deterent for preventing the behavior that endangers our great nation.

Mark's Remarks

And people think we have problems NOW with illegal immigration?!? If this flip flopping, adulterous, no backbone sack of consorting with the enemy filth gets into office, then all heck will break loose. You want to see security risks, you try seeing what he will do with his "green cards for everybody" program, and then look at how many terrorists will come to the US....This should alert anyone concerned about security that this moron should never be President!!!!

John Kerry Delinda Est!