Friday, July 02, 2004

More on Kerry's Divorce Records: Most Are Already Available

From Yahoo News:
When Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) dismissed calls that he make his divorce records public, he apparently didn't know many of them already are.

In 1988 Kerry and his first wife, Julia Thorne, were granted a "no-fault" divorce after 18 years of marriage. They cited the generic grounds of "irretrievable breakdown of the marriage," according to divorce records.

The only portion of the records that are sealed involve the couple's financial information, including salary, assets and debts, which are impounded in all divorce cases, Assistant Norfolk Probate Registrar John Jenney said.

Kerry has denounced inquiries about whether his divorce records should be unsealed, a question that has been raised frequently since Illinois Republican candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the U.S. Senate race last week. His unsealed divorce and child custody records revealed allegations that he tried to pressure his former wife, television actress Jeri Lynn Ryan, to have sex in public at clubs.

Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said when Kerry said he wouldn't make his divorce records public "he was probably thinking about the pieces that are sealed."

Matt's Chat

What kind of amatuer operation is this? Cutter is going in front of reporters and she doesn't know what Kerry was talking about? No wonder they can't make up any ground...

I think Kerry didn't know what he was talking and thought that all of his records were sealed. Or, equally likely, hoped to head it off at the pass by refusing to release documents already available.

Saying no worked for his Vietnam records... You know, John Kerry served in Vietnam...right?

Mark's Remarks

And of course, the media does not cover that John Kerry has no clue what he is talking about or this latest gaffe...Wouldn't want the Fascist Press's chosen nominee to get any bad reviews, now would we? I tell you, if I didn't know he was dead, I would think Joseph Goebbels is handling the media for Kerry, as they are doing so much in the way of his Big Lie philosophy to help out the cause of Kerry. The Democratic party, tomorrow's fascists. Remember this when they ban this site and others, when they reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine....they are the true fascists.

John Kerry Delinda Est!