Friday, July 02, 2004

UN To Monitor US Election

From Yahoo News:
Several members of the House of Representatives have requested the United Nations to send observers to monitor the November 2 US presidential election to avoid a contentious vote like in 2000, when the outcome was decided by Florida.

Recalling the long, drawn out process in the southern state, nine lawmakers, including four blacks and one Hispanic, sent a letter Thursday to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan asking that the international body "ensure free and fair elections in America," according to a statement issued by Florida representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, who spearheaded the effort.

"As lawmakers, we must assure the people of America that our nation will not experience the nightmare of the 2000 presidential election," she said in the letter.

"This is the first step in making sure that history does not repeat itself," she added after requesting that the UN "deploy election observers across the United States" to monitor the November, 2004 election.

The lawmakers said in the letter that in a report released in June 2001, the US Commission on Civil Rights "found that the electoral process in Florida resulted in the denial of the right to vote for countless persons."

The bipartisan commission, they stressed, determined "that the 'disenfranchisement of Florida's voters fell most harshly on the shoulders of black voters' and in poor counties." Both groups vote predominantly Democratic in US elections.

Matt's Chat

Bipartisan my butt... I saw this piece first on the Jihad Channel and couldn't believe it. When I saw the exact same story on Yahoo (via Tyler, again) I really couldn't believe it. What is really amazing is that AFP didn't do any research on Johnson. She represents TEXAS, not Florida. Sheesh, do we have to fact check the ENTIRE media? I was willing to give the Jihad Channel a break; I mean, after all, we know they don't care about the facts...

We don't need the UN. Our Constitution works just fine, thank you very much. And, I'll point out, that I don't think that if the UN were to come up with different results, that determination would not be legally recognized. I don't see the United Nations anywhere in the Consitutition...

This is yet another case where the liberals want to give away more of our soverignty to the United Nations. Don't let them get away with it...

Mark's Remarks

I love it...The liberals want the UN over here "to make sure history does not repeat itself." In other words, they want the Bush-hating UN to come over and guarantee a Liberal victory in the elections. Look, the fact that poor people and blacks did not get out and vote is no one's fault but their own. This so called bipartisan commission, I looked at their findings, and you know what? They were not unanimous in calling the 2000 election a racial issue. The fact is, most poor and black do not vote. That is due to the fact they do not educate themselves, just as Cosby said. So, therefore, who is to blame but the people themselves for not getting out to vote? Thank you very much. The UN cannot monitor any election. They have been unsuccessful wherever they go, except in creating a big mess and finding cheap prostitutes for their monitors and officials, just like in the Oil for Food Scandal and the other situations like Bosnia where UN forces were more about getting play than in ensuring fair play.

This move by these so called Representatives is a travesty. I demand they be censured for attempting to circumvent the Constitution and for surrendering the sovereignty of the United States without the consultation of the citizenry.

John Kerry Delinda Est!