Thursday, September 23, 2004

Worst Economy Since the Great Depression Update: Not!

By Mark for the TIB Network:

From Yahoo News:
It looks like the U.S. billionaire's club isn't quite as exclusive as it once was. There are now 313 billionaires in the country, the largest number ever and a huge jump over the 262 counted last year, according to Forbes magazine, which Thursday released its annual ranking of the 400 richest Americans.
The combined net worth of the 400 rose $45 billion and reached $1 trillion this year for the first time since 2000, before the dot-com bust wiped out billions of dollars in wealth.
(As an aside, the dotcom bust occurred under the distracted eye of Bill Clinton, who allowed shady practices which benefitted his friend Terry "Global Crossing" McAuliffe to go unchecked until it burst...)

Notice the huge jump....Yep, worst since Hoover....yeah, keep on believin' that screed....indeed.

John Kerry Delenda Est!