Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A$hkkkroft Resigns

From Yahoo News:
Attorney General John Ashcroft, a favorite of conservatives, and Commerce Secretary Don Evans, one of President Bush's closest friends, resigned Tuesday, the first members of the Cabinet to leave as Bush heads from re-election into his second term.

Both Ashcroft and Evans have served in Bush's Cabinet from the start of the administration.

Ashcroft, in a five-page, handwritten letter to Bush, said, "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved."

"Yet I believe that the Department of Justice would be well served by new leadership and fresh inspiration," said Ashcroft, whose health problems earlier this year resulted in removal of his gall bladder.

"I believe that my energies and talents should be directed toward other challenging horizons," he said. Ashcroft's letter was dated Nov. 2, Election Day.

Evans, a longtime friend from Texas, wrote Bush, "While the promise of your second term shines bright, I have concluded with deep regret that it is time for me to return home."

Bush issued statements of praise for both men — and for the policies they advanced.

Matt's Chat

This isn't that big of a surprise for two reasons: Ashcroft wasn't in the best of health and he was a lightning rod (for some reason) with the uber-liberal Lefties.

This president heard their calls for his head and is now reaching out to them by accepting Ashcroft's resignation. What will the Democrats do in return? I imagine they'll continue their fever swamp ravings...

9:35AM Update

The Cincinnati Post reports that local financier Mercer Reynolds may replace Evans as Secretary of Commerce.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!

Current Arafat Status: