Friday, November 19, 2004

Another Victory for Taste

From WorldNetDaily:
The Washington Post's online edition has dropped the controversial political cartoons of Ted Rall, a self-described liberal who has been criticized many times over the past year for racist and insensitive attacks on conservatives.

Rall told Editor & Publisher he believes the Universal Features Syndicate cartoon was let go because of Rall's Nov. 4 offering depicting a drooling, mentally handicapped student taking over a classroom.

"The idea was to draw an analogy to the electorate -- in essence, the idiots are now running the country," he told the industry publication.

Matt's Chat

I appluad this business decision on the part of the Post. I think it is about time that paper came to its senses.

The Michael Moore Democrats, like Ted "Talentless" Rall, will never understand why they are losing so long as they continue wallowing in the fever swamp. This is a bad thing because this country needs an honorable, loyal opposition.

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