Thursday, November 18, 2004

Case Re-Opened

This is CNN:
Military investigators have re-opened the case of U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Wassef Hassoun after several personal items -- including his military ID and civilian passport -- were found in Falluja, the city where he disappeared in June.

Hassoun reappeared July 7 in Lebanon, where he was born and has relatives.

What happened to Hassoun during that time has been a mystery to military investigators who recently closed two separate investigations into the disappearance.

Because of the new evidence, the case of Hassoun's disappearance is unexpectedly open again. Investigators are assessing the evidence found in Falluja.
I didn't know what to make of this case when it first came up and I still smell a rat here...something about this guy just doesn't sit well...

Islamofascism Delenda Est!

Current Arafat Status: