Thursday, November 25, 2004

Glimpse in to the Mind of a Young Ohio Democrat

By Matt for the TIB Network:

Just checking's a bit from James Taranto's Best of the Web email:
That Old College Try
In a post titled "Glimpse into the mind of a young ohio [sic] bush [sic] voter," a DemocraticUnderground user called "RawMaterials" illustrates the intellectual superiority of Democrats (quoting verbatim):
Yesterday i was out with some old college acquaintance's, the election came up(very easy with me) and i asked whom they voted for here are there response's, age, and vague reasoning. This should help us understand what is needed to get this kind of voter next time. there ages range between 21-23 male, smart, athletic, but not "into" politics or news.

note, this was in a car ride home i didn't have time to relay get into a discussion and set them straight or open up there minds to reality.
but this is still good info to work with.

The first male, said he was undecided all the way up to election day, and went with bush. here were the reasons, first "I knew what bush track record was and what to expect, but not with Kerry." "Kerry could have gotten elected and just removed all the troops from Iraq, and then one week later we would be getting bombed".

The second male, said he didn't watch any debates(thats when i chimed in so you voted for bush, because there would have been no way if you watch the debates you could have voted for him, he laft)his main reason for voting for bush is that he never relay new what Kerry stood for, and didn't want to vote for the "anybody but bush logic".

I started to get into economic things and how bush is running up deficits, and the second male stated that most of the recession was Clinton's fault. i just about died, i quickly chimed in about greenspan and interest rates and how Clinton did his job as a president and that was to create a surplus and control spending that the other market factors were out of his control (mostly). this enlightened him.

so how do the democrats fix this, I think they need to start to get dirty they need to relay attack the Republicans. they also need to make sure they have a candidate that people can understand and identify with.

granted these guys didn't know allot about whats going on but it looks like there the norm. I also feel that they might have been heavily influenced by there parents, and are not quite ready to be informed and make critical decisions on their own. There is hope for voters like this because they are very bright.
I'm laughing at the superior intellect...

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