Monday, November 15, 2004

Immigration Madness

For the record, this is why I think it is important to tighten up the Mexican border. No amnesty program is going to fix this problem.

And contrary to what the Hispanic "community" may think, this is just good government trying to protect its legal citizenry.

11:40AM Update

Mark Krikorian, over at NRO's The Corner, sheds some light on an idea that Malaysia is amnesty program I can get behind!
[I]llegals who deport themselves from that country by a certain date will be able to avoid arrest and imprisonment. This is like a parking-ticket amnesty -- it's not that you get away with your violation of the law, it's just that you won't receive extra penalties so long as you make things right.
I can live with that...

Islamofascism Delenda Est!

Current Arafat Status: