Friday, November 19, 2004

Irony, Meet Hugh Hewitt

By Matt for the TIB Network:

Hugh has a post up in which he cites James Lileks' Bleat from yesterday. You see, Hewitt went off on some tirade against Target because of a decision to stop their relationship with the Salvation Army and Lileks rightly points out how silly all that is...

Here's Hugh:
OK, look, it is vintage James. Well-written. Funny. Very perceptive.

But this time he fails to grasp the central nettle. James argues this is one battle in an endless series of battles that are just better not fought. I disagree. It is a unique battle --like the Boy Scout battle-- and one that deserves more than a check and a resignation to forces greater and more complicated than ourselves.
Hugh, that is EXACTLY what we were trying to tell YOU about Arlen Specter... Some battles ARE worth fighting...

Hugh, I'd like to introduce you to Irony...

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