Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Is the Declaration of Independence Unconstitutional?

From WorldNetDaily:
In a season typified by lawsuits against manger scenes, crosses and even the words "Merry Christmas," a California case is taking the "separation of church and state" one step further – dealing with whether it's unconstitutional to read the Declaration of Independence in public school.

Attorneys for the Alliance Defense Fund filed suit Monday against the Cupertino Union School District for prohibiting a teacher from providing supplemental handouts to students about American history because the historical documents contain some references to God and religion.

"Throwing aside all common sense, the district has chosen to censor men such as George Washington and documents like the Declaration of Independence," said ADF Senior Counsel Gary McCaleb. "The district's actions conflict with American beliefs and are completely unconstitutional."
Political correctness run amok or smart legal strategery? We report. You decide in the comments section.

Mark's Remarks

Only in friggin San Francisco!!!! This is a disgrace! Forget the punk gangkids fighting in the NBA, this is a travesty!!!!! Now we cannot simply present the Declaration in class because it advocates a "Creator"? Give me a flippin' break!!!!

I cannot believe the audacity of these humanist, anti-God zealots!!!! It is ridiculous....The establishment clause PROHIBITS the ESTABLISHMENT OF A STATE religion, it does not free one from religion. The Free Exercise clause means you can FREELY EXERCISE YOUR BELIEFS WITHOUT BEING PERSECUTED FOR THEM....funny, I didn't see the fine print on the document that excludes Christians and Christianity from that.....

This is a case of PC winning over common sense....Again, it is a case of liberals thinking Americans are too stupid and too dense to look at documents and make up their own minds....they want the nanny is not the Conservatives who are for Big Brother and the like...It is the Left....They would have you believe that God is dead, that in fact the only god is man....Well, if we are the top, then I believe we are f'ed up, to use the vernacular. And, why can't we look at the Declaration, even the Bible as sources of literature and wisdom, you know, like that drivel from the Babylonians (Gilgamesh) and the Greek Epics? Aren't those pieces of work advocating the worship of Zeus? Just a thought....

Note to liberals....Just because you all are a bunch of suckers and believe any bit of shite spewed by someone who claims to be an expert does not mean the rest of us are incapable of going off the ranch and making our own decisions....Kindly do not project your own insecurities and lack of ability to make up your own mind on the rest of us...Thank you.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!