Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Jack Iraq Mouths Off Again

From The Guardian:
[Jacques] Chirac, speaking ahead of his state visit to London, said that Britain had gained nothing in return for supporting the US over Iraq and that he did not think "it is in the nature of our American friends today" to pay back favours.

"I'm not sure, the US being what it is today, whether it is possible for anyone, even the British, to play the role of the friendly go-between," he said.

The French president's words came in direct contradiction to Tony Blair, who insisted last night that Europe needed to work with America and could help shape its policies. Mr Blair used a keynote speech in the Guildhall in London to warn Europe to stop "ridiculing American arguments and parodying their political leadership" and to concentrate on persuading Washington that "terrorism won't be beaten by toughness alone".

But Mr Chirac said Britain's special relationship with the US had brought few dividends. "When the divergence of views between France and Britain was at its height, when the English wanted to follow the Americans and we didn't ... I said to Tony Blair, your position should at least serve another purpose," Mr Chirac said.

"You should obtain in exchange for it a new start for the peace process in the Middle East. Because that is vital. Well, Britain gave its support (on Iraq) - but I have not been impressed by the payback."
Hey Jack, helping us out in Iraq was, and is, the right thing to do. Just because you were bribed by Saddam doesn't change that FACT. It is refreshing to see a Eurpoean "power" that actually gets that.

Mr. Blair is right, Europe can help "shape" US policy, but they will NEVER dictate our policy. Jack and his ilk remind me of the Democrats here in America that just can't seem to find their way out of the fever swamp and continue to denegrate the people they need in order to win...

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