Sunday, November 14, 2004

Mahatma on Specter

Mahatma has weighed in on the Specter Saga. Here is a highlight:
An ideological litmus test was not the message that I think voters wanted to send to politicians in the decisive Republican election victory. The Republicans have been winning so much precisely because they are a party that is inclusive. Engaging in the kind of behavior that has destroyed the Democratic parties vitality is precisely the wrong action to take after the 2004 election. Senator Specter should be confirmed as the Judiciary Chairman and he should continue to provide a centrist view on nominations to judicial vacancies.

If this wise course is not followed, the mid-term elections are going to provide quite a shock to Republicans who have so recently managed to gain such a decisive legislative advantage. It would indeed be ironic if the very actions taken to attempt to impact the judicial branch of government by confirming conservative judges, caused the legislative branch of government to change hands at the mid-term elections.

Frankly this comes down to a question of choice. Do you want to confirm extremely conservative judges without a fight or do you want to win a veto proof majority in the Senate? I can promise you that you can't do both of these options at the same time.
I respect Mahatma and his opinion very much. But, like Hugh Hewitt, there are a few things he's missed.

No one is suggesting kicking Specter out of the party or even off the Judiciary Committee. Nobody. There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning this man's motives, especially after he mouthed off to the press at how he wasn't going to let anti-Roe nominees get out of committee. There are no rules indicating that a coronation must take place simply because the guy has been there the longest. Specter has to EARN the job, just like anybody else. Nobody is even remotely suggesting a "purge" here...

Over 60 MILLION people voted for the President. He has a mandate. Republicans increased their numbers in the House and the Senate. They also have a mandate. "Expanding the party" is great political theory, but it has a cost: principles.

Mahatma, I know you are a regular reader here, so I will ask you the same question I rhetorically asked Hugh: What is the point of winning if you give up on your principles?

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