Monday, November 22, 2004

Playing Dead in Fallujah

From ABCNewsOnline (Australia):
The US military says marines in Fallujah have shot and killed an insurgent who engaged them as he was faking being dead, a week after footage of a marine killing an apparently unarmed and wounded Iraqi caused a stir in the region.

"Marines from the 1st Marine Division shot and killed an insurgent who while faking dead opened fire on the marines who were conducting a security and clearing patrol through the streets," a military statement said.

The point-blank shooting on November 13 of a wounded Iraqi was caught on tape and beamed around the world.
This is why I think the other Marine did the right thing. This sort of tactic is being used by our enemy and our guys have to protect themselves against it. This story won't get the media attention though, because giving it play benefits Americans...

Semper Fi, guys...and keep up the great work!

Mark's Remarks

Just as the South Vietnamese officer shooting the supposedly "innocent" civilian picture has been propagandized, so too has this one. I am sorry, folks, this is war, and the more I read about the 'intrepid' camerajournalist, the more I think he was trolling for atrocities. Look, war is hell, and stuff happens, quite frankly. If it were my son or daughter or brother, and you had heard that insurgentsterrorists were playing dead, I would make sure they were dead before walking past them. Cold blooded, but what do you call beheading a woman? Of course, we don't see that because it is too graphic, but yet we are bombarded with the Marine image, Abu Gharib, etc. The "mainstream" media, propagandizing so the terrorists don't have to....

Islamofascism Delenda Est!