Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thanksgiving Thoughts....

By Mark for the TIB Network:

Just thought I would take a moment to wish everyone (even toady little Belgians who don't celebrate it) a very Happy Thanksgiving, and to offer some things I am thankful for....

I am thankful for:

1. the family God has blessed me with, who put up with my melancholia and mania and still love me despite my OBVIOUS faults....included in that would be my church family, like Joann, Jackie, the two Ricks, Mr. D, and MY pastor, Jack, and his great family...Bro Jack, h and k's and ds's all around....

2. the wonderful friends God has blessed me with, one of whom is my co-contributor here on WMD, another is Matt's co-contributor on Classical Brass (check it out), and even the yhettiman, Tom. Not to mention "legally dead" Otto, "Clownguy", and all the rest who have made WMD the blog and WMDtv fun and an adventure....I love you guys and gals, you are wonderful people, and it is a privilege to know you....

3. I'm thankful for a certain people who made me realize that people must speak out against elitism, arrogance, and stupidity and a lack of class when they see it, despite the hurt it may cause in the short run. I am thankful for those hamsters getting me involved once again in the political process and being part of one of the most important elections in history, and for me being on the Right and Victorious side. I'm also thankful one was such an obvious a$$ that he isolated himself into his little cocoon and no longer has any significance other than a source of levity and an example of fever swamp at its best. However, I pray for his happiness in his pursuits, and for his family, even if he has made it clear he hates me with a singleminded, obsessive hatred. More's the pity.

4. I am thankful for the great country I live in, the US of A. No, we are not perfect, but we have come farther, faster, better than any other nation in history, and despite what Kerry says, our republic is the best in the world.

5. I am thankful for our soldiers, who risk it all so I don't have to; who fight and sacrifice so I can write these ramblings, who make it so I can feel safer in public places, and who honor us with their nobility.

6. I am thankful for the opportunities to blog and broadcast, giving me an audience and chance to sound off on important issues.

7. I am thankful for meeting wonderful people out here in blog land, like Mahatma, Texas Rainmaker, and the many others who have acted as inspiration, and at times, intellectual foils.

8. I am thankful for the employment I have, even though it is not what I want to be doing. God has blessed me with working with some extraordinary people and making some good friends, like Brad Boerger, Pam, Justina, Jeff, Randy, Bridgette, Monica, and many others.

9. I am thankful for you, reading this now, that you think enough of this little project to stop by and peruse, and I pray that you will enjoy it and that you will be blessed in all you do.

10. Lastly, I am thankful for our President George W. Bush, and that he gets FOUR MORE YEARS to help lead us into the 21st century and toward the advancement of Freedom and liberty to places it has not been to before.

May God bless all of you and enrich your lives, and may you take time to talk to Him and thank him for your blessings, your family, and your friends. Each moment we have is precious...tell someone you love them.

God bless America!

This was Mark, thanks for reading.

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