Tuesday, November 23, 2004

This Just In...

RatherBiased is reporting that Dan Rather will be leaving CBS in March 2005.

How 'bout that pajamahadeen anyway?!


Listening in to the CBS News update on radio...looks like Dan is going to focus on his '60 Minutes' gig...maybe next time he'll fake better memos, eh?

And, oh yeah, still no word on when that investigation will be wrapping up and results posted for the world to see...

How 'bout that pajamahadeen anyway?!

4:15 PM Update

RatherBiased reports that the fever swamp over at Democratic Underground is losing it again:
"and the Bushco purge continues....."

"Another victim on Rove's hit list"

"Just got a flash news notice from MSNBC too. It's official. Damn,
damn, damn, damn."

"That's too bad. He was one of the few that wasn't a media whore."

"I'm pissed."

"Why can't he wait for the impeachment when Bush gets caught in
flagrante delecto with Condi and the repukes are forced to impeach him to save
their seats in congress.

"Why the hell go out on a low note like this...it makes it look like
they ran him out."
That Karl Rove is a GENIUS! The overlords at HALLIBURTON! will be pleased...for another day anyway... The conquest continues...

For the love of...

Mark's Remarks

Two things...
First, saying Rather was not a publicity or media whore is like saying Heidi Fleiss was merely a provider of catering....Dan Rather LOVED to insert his innane and rather closeminded opinions on every story....And one need look no farther than Bush 41 to see the level of hatred Rather could spew.

Secondly, the fever swamp folks are merely projecting again....You see, there are a whole slew of scandals from Billy Boy that were barely touched, and they just have the subconscious desire to confess...such as that little ditty about Bush and Condi, it was really, get this, Bill and Maddy Albright...Seriously....And I heard Kim Jong Il reary reary rikes Madrine Awrbright...

Look, psycho libs, it's past time to take out the pacifier, put on the training pants and grow up a little bit. You had two weeks to gripe and moan...Let's actually do what that stupid propaganda site of yours advocates MOVING ON....

This was Mark...thanks for reading...Oh, and if you think removing Rather and Brokaw amounts to a purge, you are even dumber than the Kerry campaign....The anchors are just talking heads, they like, actually (newsflash!) don't report...they get the stories filtered from other reporters...Not to worry libs, the same filtered, liberally homogenized drivel will be spewing from whoever succeeds Dan Blather....

Now kindly shut up and remember this:


Ahh, that felt good...

Islamofascism Delenda Est!