Friday, April 15, 2005

Frist Might Actually Have Some Stones

The talk is that Frist is going to push for the Constitutional Option. Notice how the Dims have kept using nuclear, trying to go for that old imagery of nuclear armageddon that helped LBJ win with the Daisy commercials. Don't be fooled, ladies and gentlemen. The Founding Fathers NEVER envisioned the level of vitriol and hate for the sake of blind political ideology that the obstructionist Democrats have imposed. Besides, the rule change that would be gotten rid of was not, is not, in the Constitution. It is part of the Senate rules, which Constitutionally can be changed by majority vote. Gosh, I wish government teachers would spend more time teaching the government than in teaching touchy-feely activism and deifying judicial activists. Here is the story from Yahoo!News. OH, AND BY THEY WAY, Memo to John McCain--you should bend over and kiss your Presidential Hopes good-bye with your traitorous stance on this issue! And your goiter, too!