Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Speaking of China...

...over the weekend, three-quarters of the editorial board were hanging out in Cleveland and heard George "Mr. Sulu" Takei speak at a convention. One of the things he talked about was this.

Mark's Remarks

Mr. Takei, whom I disagree with on most issues relating to Trek ("Star Trek 6 should have been called Sulu Saves the Day", said George), is right about this one. Japan does indeed need to own up to its past mistakes. It needs to make some type of diplomatic gesture. It does not necessarily need to be reparations. You know, the United States apologized for internment, Japan needs to apologize for the mass slaughter of Chinese citizens in Manchuria and the rape of Nanking. And to think, the American government didn't even slaughter anyone and we apologized, which I disagree with. In my humble opinion, the internment was the correct thing to do in WWII, at least initially.

Where the US went wrong, however, was in not releasing those known to not be a threat. However, realistically, we did not have the manpower to conduct full scale investigations. Secondly, could you imagine the backlash if these people were left in the West Coast neighborhoods?

Internment was not the most equitable solution, but it was the least harmful overall. The terrible thing was in not protecting Japanese American property rights. After the war, many went home to find their businesses and homes resold and occupied, and were forced elsewhere....