Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tubbs is Unethical

Let's cast the same light her colleagues have poured on Tom DeLay.

From the Washington Times:
Stephanie Tubbs Jones, an Ohio Democrat who sits on the House ethics committee, took a 2001 trip to Puerto Rico that was paid for by a registered lobbyist firm — an apparent violation of the chamber's ethics rules — according to documents that she filed with the House clerk.

A spokeswoman for Mrs. Jones disputed those records yesterday, saying "human error" led a staffer to list the name of D.C. lobbyist firm Smith, Dawson & Andrews as having paid the $3,366 tab for Mrs. Jones and her husband to travel to the Puerto Rican island of Vieques in the Caribbean.
Using the same logic our Democratic friends have applied against DeLay, DOES ANYBODY BELIEVE THIS WAS A CLERICAL ERROR?