Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Able Danger Coverup Continues

NewsMax is reporting that the Pentagon has ordered five guys from the team not to testify at an open Senate hearing.
"We have been told I cannot testify tomorrow," Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity. "We have been told to stand down."

Lt. Col. Shaffer, who was the Defense Intelligence Agency's liaison officer to Able Danger, said he was preparing his testimony for the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday afternoon when he was told that the hearing "will be classified, it will be secret."

Hours after Lt. Col. Shaffer revealed that he'd been muzzled, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman told the New York Times that open testimony on Able Danger "would not be appropriate."
Sure...becuase the truth just can't be allowed to get out there.

These people work for US...not the other way around.