Tuesday, September 13, 2005

If PFAW Wrote the Bill of Rights....

1. Abortion is a sacred right.
2. So are sodomy and same-sex marriage.
3. "Equal protection for all" means special preferences for some.
4. "Freedom of speech" means free internet porn in public libraries.
5. Voluntary prayer in public schools establishes a state religion.
6. Taxpayers shall educate illegal immigrants from kindergarten through college.
7. Government shall not spy on terrorists, unless it notifies them in a timely manner (we could call this one the Gorelick Amendment).
8. There shall be no death penalty
9. Tax rates shall escalate continually, especially for the "rich".
10. All powers not expressly granted to federeal judges shall be seized by them anyway...
11. When People for the American Way say, "jump!", Democrats will say, "how high?"