Tuesday, September 13, 2005

If they Were Intellectually Honest and Consistent....

Pat Lahey and Ted Kennedy would disqualify themselves from the confirmation. After all, one of their criticisms and the Left's talking points is that Roberts is from a successful family, from a white suburb, with little influence if any from the black or Jewish community. Both Lahey and Kennedy grew up in all-white, prosperous neighborhoods. Therefore, they should disqualify themselves. They should not sit on that committee, according to liberal logic. Heck, they should not even be Senators, according to the same logic.

Also, Roberts was criticized by Chuckie Schumer and Co. for being successful, at the top of his class, never failing. Don't we want successful people, smart people, in jobs of high authority? I guess it is better if we had nominated a guy who practiced storefront law and chased ambulances (sorry, that must have been the qualifications for Vice President, right John Edwards?).