Monday, September 26, 2005

Jonah on Frist

From the Corner:
FRIST'S TROUBLES [Jonah Goldberg]
I am no huge fan of Frist's (as a politician. As a man I think he's a pretty admirable guy). My guess is that this stock sale stuff will ultimately fizzle out, mostly because I doubt Frist is so stupid as to do what some allege. But I see nothing wrong with the appropriate agencies investigating Frist's blind-trust stock sale. If anybody sees a good argument why it shouldn't be investigated, I'd be curious to take a look. But as far as I'm concerned, it sounds like the right thing to do in a fairly no-brainer way. If he did something wrong the investigation is obviously warranted. If he didn't, the investigation should clear him. Exoneration is as important a function as conviction.
I'm not particularly invested in Frist either way. In fact, I've found the leadership in both chambers to be a bit underwhelming...but let's leave DeLay for another time...

If Frist did something illegal, it will come out in an investigation. And I do think there should be an investigation. Do I think there should be a witch hunt? No...but that won't stop the Left from trying...