Tuesday, September 13, 2005

PFAW: Hypocrites for the Liberal Way

In a dossier released against Judge John Roberts, PFAW repeatedly attacks Roberts for arguing, during his Reagan years, that the Constitution authorizes Congress to restrict the appellate jurisdiction of the federal courts. But nowhere does it mention that Roberts said that he believed such legislation was BAD policy.

However, where was PFAW when Tom Daschle, then a Senator, advocated Court Stripping as both constitutional and good policy? Without any complaints from PFAW or the Left, Daschle successfully sponsored legislation that removed all jurisdiction over timber projects from federal courts to expedite the thinning of forests in South Dakota.

Methinks they doth protest a bit much...but of course, they have little else to do. It is not like the Left intelligentsia has anything resembling a plan or original thought on issues.....