Friday, September 23, 2005


Hugh Hewitt has some advice for those DSCC staffers that Schumer had doing his dirty work. As usual, I don't expect they'll take his advice, but it's worth trying...

2:00PM Update

Hugh also has some interesting information of the staffers in question:
Katie Barge is one of the names that has surfaced in the criminal investigation into the stealing of MD. Lt. Gov. Steele's credit history via social security number fraud. Barge is the suspended research director of Schumer's DSCC, and was previously the research director of David Brock's Media Matters and a reseracher for the Edwards presidential campaign.

She's going to make a very interesting witness. Perhaps she's been kept on the DSCC payroll because it would not be a good thing to anger this particular person? Given that it is Schumer's operation, it has to be assumed that Schumer has okayed her continued employment.
Senator, what did you know and when did you know it?

Well, Matt Margolis can answer part of that question. He has a source that indicates Schumer's Plumbers were suspended with pay back in July.

The other staffer was Lauren Weiner, who apparently was a junior member of Schumer's team.