Sunday, October 23, 2005

SHrillary Screed: You Can't Have It Both Ways

Hillary Clinton now is out acting like she is a gas pump populist. The truth of the matter is that her and one of her key constituencies are part of the very reason why gas prices are so high, and why there is no end in sight. Right now, Shrillary is talking like she wants gas prices cheap and oil to be abundant, but her voting record and her previous statements are contrary to that. Only when the gas issue reaches a crisis, as in Katrina price increases (which are coming back down, thank you very much) does she say antyhing, acting like she actually pays for her own gas (you and I do).

SEpt 28, 2004--A headline in the NY Times says "Oil Nears 50 dollars a barrel as Gulf Storms Curtail Output. Later that day, she goes public reading the article points practically verbatim, saying that "this i the highest price per barrel since oil began trading on the MErcantile Exchange." Then, while crying that " the average driver would pay 300 more for gas this year than last, she did not blame it, as the article did, on the hurricane. Nope, here comes the conspiracy junkie environ-wheenie she really is. She said it was big oil's fault and the Bush administration. (Of course, always blame the Republicans!) "We've seen big oil's profits continueto go up...It's clear that our dependence on foreign oil and the lack of an energetic energy policy (see that, how cute!) to move us from dependence to independence has taken a toll on us."

Shrill, we had an oil plan. It was drilling in ANWR. You and your crazy lib friends said no. WE wanted to explore the Gulf reagions, you said no. Your husband, to further cause energy problems, declared off limits the 2nd biggest supply of "clean" coal ever found when he was President. So, while you are lamenting the plight of us little people, you are doing nothing about it but complaining.

And, what have you done as a Senator to help with the problem, Hill? Opposed dirlling in the ANWR. Opposed drilling off our coasts. Opposed drilling for natural gas in the Fnger Lakes National Forest, co-sponsoring a bill that would permanently ban such drilling.

Only when a crisis like Katrina brings gas prices to the forefront does Shrill care. Otherwise, she tailors her views to the deep pockets in the envirowheenie movement. He website brags how she has shot down every attempt at ANWR drilling.

She voted against driling in ANWR an even aginst the new Energy Bill. She also declared opposition to a proposed natural gas terminal in Long Island that would help her constituents in New York import the expensive fuel they need to fuel their homes. Let them burn your campaign promises instead, right Hill?

Look at her "vision" for America she gave in a speech in July: "public and private investment in energy has made America the world leader in clean, efficient engergy use (by the way, we are already among the leaders, though you wouldn't know it from her rhetoric and her enviro friends)....Cars and trucks are powered by advanced hybrid engines, bio-fuels, fuel cells, and clean diesel engines. Windmiils (just don't buld them to block Teddy boy's or John Kerry's view) and other renewable energy sources are generating 20% of our electricity." However, at no time during this speech did she articulate allowing free enterprise to develop new sources of oil or gas to decrease our dependence.

Then, the Katrina/Rita storms hit--and the populist pumper was back:
"I want to go after the oil companies and hte oil speculators and the manipulators of the money, because they're the ones who I think are really behind this (darn that Rove Weather Machine)," calling for a FTC investigation of gas prices. "I am tired of being at the mercy of people in the Middle East (wasn't that your husband's foreign policy legacy, ma'am?)and elsewhere, and I'm tired frankly of being at the mercy of these large oil companies."

No, ma'am we are at the mercy of career liars and doublespeakers like you who would not let us do what we need to provide for ourselves so you can look good to your effete liberal enviro-whacko pals. You can't have it both ways, Mrs. Clinton, contrary to your husband's ideas.