Thursday, March 30, 2006

Bill Pierce for Senate

I am through talking about others. I am now going to expound on why I think William G. Pierce aka Bill Pierce is the best choice for US Senate come May 2nd.

First, Bill Pierce has lived in Ohio for decades. He has fielded a small business here. He has raised a family here. He has taught and learned here in this great state. He is the most in tune candidate with what is going on here in Ohio. He hasn't been living the high life in Washington for 12 years, and he hasn't gone from state to state. He has made a stand to live and work in Ohio, and he has experienced things we all do here in the Buckeye state: the bad roads, the poor public education system, dealing with government bureaucracy, etc. Bill Pierce has felt all these for decades. His competitors have not.

Second, Bill Pierce exemplifies the notion of our Founders, a citizen legislator. He was not born and bred for a political career. He had no interest in politics aside from an informed voter. He was denied his chosen path of serving his country at the Naval Academy. However, he did not give up and cry in despair. No, he found another route when he joined the Air Force ROTC and was commissioned as an officer, and was on pace to serve active duty. Bill Pierce educated himself, not relying on the bureaucracy to feed him what he needed to know about the government. In his struggles, he found out about things the bureaucracies do that hurt all of us, and how Congress has not engaged in oversight for years. Like all true citizen legislators, he saw something that needed change.

He tried working like all of us do, calling our represenatives. However, they refused, even the best of them, to do their job of oversight. This is not fair nor is it just. The government monkeyed with him and tried to feed him a bill of goods about taking comfort in that they had changed things so that others will not have to go through what he did. First, they did not change anything, really; and secondly, how is that supposed to compensate for all the heartache is family had to suffer? Bill Pierce is running to make sure that no other families have to unjustly go through such nonsense again.

Bill Pierce has dedicated himself to serving others. In his church, he has acted as a leader. In his second career, he has become an educator, crusading to get his students to learn math and apply reason to problems. That same approach of bringing reason to a problem will be what guides him in Washington. Bill Pierce has shown he has a servant's heart, and he needs to be elected to serve us in Washington.

Unlike his competitors, Bill Pierce is not interested in Politics as a permanent career. Both of his competitors are interested in furthering their careers--in one case to retire with another term under his belt, the other just the beginning of a quest for power. He is only interested in serving us for two terms, then letting another citizen step up and run. He is only interested in doing what is right for the citizen and for Ohio, not in furthering making lobby contacts or in keeping the status quo. If elected, he will actually visit the counties in the state during his term, rather than just legislate from Washington with staff to hang up on queries.

Why not stick with the party, with the status quo? Well, we have had that for two terms now, and do we have a senator who truly represents us? I don't think so. And, we have trusted our party to put forth good candidates. Who have they put forth? Bob Taft, George Voinovich, Mike DeWine, Bob Householder. The list goes on and on. We have been given candidates more interested in making names and friends than in doing the right thing, than in representing the people who voted them in. This year, in the governor's race, we have Ken Blackwell, and outsider. And look at how he is under assault. They fear him. Why? Because he has the will of the people! In this race, everytime anyone gets to know Bill Pierce, they immediately come to him over DeWine. The Republican party made the unprecedented move of endorsing Mike DeWine a day after Pierce informed them he was running. They have not done this in any other contested primary. They fear Bill. They fear the citizenry. It is time to take back our party and our state. For the past 10-14 years, what have we gotten by towing the line? In the state, we have increased taxes, we rank in the bottom 5 of environment for business growth, we are losing jobs and people, and our budgets are out of control and our officials are corrput. on the national level, we get no immigration restraint, no budget restraint, no oversight of the bureaucracy. It is high time we take back our government and our party. Let's get Bill to be the one to do it. Let Ohio begin a nationwide revolution that would make Ronald Reagan proud. Let us not bow to political expediency.

I have met Bill Pierce, and I have engaged him on a variety of topics. He is very articulate in discussing his vision of what a Senator should be. He is a conservative in the very best meanings of the word. He wants less government interference, but better oversight of the bureaucracy. He wants to give us more freedom to start businesses and treat our employees with dignity. He wants to hold governments accountable for spending. He is exactly what Ohio needs, even if our own party doesn't know it.

He has been honest and upfront about all his situations in life, unlike his opponents. He has no skeletons in his closet that he himself has not brought out to show for clarity. He deserves a chance to see if this great experiment began by citizen legislators some 200 odd years ago is still capable of seeing true citizen outsiders elected.

I urge all Republicans out there to vote for Bill Pierce is the coming primary May 2nd. Our small businesses, our state, our party, our country need a man like Bill Pierce--a tenured Ohioan true to the state and the country.

Vote for Bill Pierce May 2nd.

DISCLOSURE: Matthew Hurley, a contributor at WMD, is blog administrator for Bill Pierce for Senate. He contributed NOTHING to this report. I do not work for the Pierce campaign. However, WMD has endorsed Bill Pierce for Senate.