Wednesday, March 29, 2006

More Rush: On McCain Getting Treated Like What He Is Not...

namely, a Republican. McCain is no true Republican. He is a RINO. However, for once the goitered media darling gets hammered. Here is the Q&A as discussed on Limbaugh:
Charlie Gibson: "Senator McCain, this bill -- since it just happened the last two hours -- I want to get straight exactly to what it does but as I understand it this bill came out of the judiciary community effectively does grant amnesty to millions of immigrants who are now here illegally."

MCCAIN: That's just absolutely false. It allows them to earn citizenship. What it does, it takes a $2,000 fine. It requires a background check. It requires learning of English. It requires six years of working, and then eligibility for a green card, and five years after that. That doesn't fit any dictionary definition of amnesty. In fact, it's very, very tough, and that's a major provision of it. That's not amnesty. We tried amnesty in the eighties, and it didn't work.

RUSH: But Charlie Gibson won't give in here. He said, "Look, I -- at my peril -- get into an argument with the guy who's fashioned this bill over the definition of amnesty, but I said a moment ago if they fulfill certain conditions which you outline..."

MCCAIN: Then it's not amnesty. Amnesty is forgiveness. This is payment of a fine. This is admission of guilt. This is working for years. This is learning English. This is passing a criminal background check. There's a -- it's not amnesty, okay?

RUSH: (McCain impression) "It's not amnesty, okay?" He's starting to get a little testy here, but Gibson won't stop. He treats McCain like a Republican. Says, "Certainly if you quibble over the word or you deny the word 'amnesty,' senator -- "

MCCAIN: I don't deny it. I don't deny it. I know what the definition of the word is. It means "forgiveness." This is fine, penalty, working, passing background checking. It's not amnesty. It's earned citizenship. That's what it is.

GIBSON: All right, it's "earned citizenship," but it allows 11 million people who are now here illegally to earn it?

Wah! I'm John McCain, didn't you know I served in Vietnam and wrote several books on heroes and virtue? Who are YOU to challenge me? Didn't you know that I was going to be John Kerry's running mate, but I decided I should let him sit and spin and run in 06? I am the all-knowing Goiterman, John McCain, grovel before my RINO-ness.

Uh, no. Senator. For once Charlie Gibson is spot on. You have given amnesty approval with this vote. This legislation is a joke. We can't enforce our current laws. How are we supposed to enforce this one? You sir, are a moron.

Matt's Chat

I was just listening to the "tape" of this show from yesterday, and Rush is right in that McCain was treated like a Republican...but only for awhile. At one point, Gibson gives up and adopts McCain's language and the lovefest continues to roll on...

It will be interesting to see what Hugh Hewitt has to say, if anything, about McCain in Painting the Map Red (which I am slowly getting the time to read - I should have some more on that this weekend).