Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Canadian Terror Plot Included Plan to Behead PM

Since Peter K. asked for it... :)

From the CBC News:
One of the suspects in an alleged bomb plot in Ontario is accused of wanting to storm Parliament, behead the prime minister and attack a number of sites, including the CBC building in Toronto, his lawyer says.

Lawyer Gary Batasar, who represents Steven Chand, also known as Abdul Shakur, made the comments on Tuesday after a court appearance in Brampton, Ont., for 15 of 17 suspects arrested under Canada's Anti-terrorism Act on the weekend.

"My client's alleged to have been part of a plot to blow up Parliament Buildings in Canada, storm the CBC, take over the CBC, as well as, among other things, behead the prime minister," Batasar said.
And what exactly did these terrorists want? They wanted Canadian troops to pull out of Afghanistan...

The lesson, as I see it, is this: We are all in this together. When President Bush said that you are either with us or against us, it wasn't a matter of was a response to his view of the battlefield. Our common enemy isn't interested in peace. The conflict is about our way of life and our very survival.

UPDATE: I just re-read the article and something jumped out at me. Not once did the writer indicate that these terrorists were Muslim. We find out that they were "inspired" by al Qaeda, but that's it. The media needs to realize that they are at risk too and start telling this story like it is...