Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Emergency Supplemental a Victory for Fiscal Discipline

This came in last night from John Boehner:
In May, Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) and Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) made clear the House of Representatives is committed to fiscal discipline and would not consider an emergency supplemental spending package that goes above President Bush's request. In a victory for fiscal discipline, House appropriators reached an agreement with the Senate that accomplishes that goal by rejecting some $14 billion previously added by the Senate. Today, the House will debate the conference report which holds spending to the President's request and will:

  • * Provide $65.8 billion funding for our troops in the field to ensure they receive the best equipment available and all the resources necessary; and

  • * Provide $19.8 billion in funding to help rebuild the hurricane-impacted Gulf Coast.

  • House Republicans are focused on several efforts to ensure that Congress spends America's taxpayer dollars more wisely. For example:
    House Republicans approved a budget aimed at holding the line on spending and reducing the deficit. Democrats opposed these efforts and voted "NO."

    House Republicans approved important reforms that bring more sunshine and more accountability to the earmark process in order to help Congress determine worthy projects from worthless pork. Democrats voted "NO."

    House Republicans have also passed seven of eleven FY 2007 appropriations bills, holding the line on spending and eliminating wasteful programs. So far, Democrats have requested $27.8 billion in new spending above and beyond the levels included in these bills.

    For the American people, it provides a clear choice: House Republicans are working to rein in the federal budget, spend taxpayer dollars wisely, and provide tax relief for working families; Capitol Hill Democrats want to spend more and raise taxes.
    I am of the opinion that there was still more work to be done on this, but I understand the political remifications of this win. John Boehner is demonstrating himself to be a party leader that conservatives can rally behind. Let's see how long it lasts.