Monday, June 19, 2006

Et tu, Hugh?

As regular readers of this space knows, I have my issues with Hugh Hewitt and his absurd support for Republicans who are not conservatives. Of course, now that Hugh has to deal with Arnold, it's a whole new ball game. No longer is Hugh so sure that so long as the candidate has an R after his name that he's a good guy to have around.

I'm not making this up. Here is a clip from Friday's show.

Hugh, I thought you said you were a party man. What happened?

Reality isn't much fun now is it?

"I don't know how you expect conservatives to work for ya when you don't do anything for them." (Clip 2) This has a VERY familiar ring to it. We could have used your help when it mattered here in Ohio, Hugh, but instead, you were a "party man."

Where are you pom-poms now?