And so are the idiots on the Hollywood Left. You know, if they were really sincere, they would actually go on more than a "rolling" hunger strike. Here is the story, where Sheehan has said she is doing this, and so is Sean Pean, Susan Sarandon, and Danny Glover. What gutless wonders! Where are your convictions? Do they end merely when you get really really hungry?
These people are starving--ethically, morally, spiritually. They are bankrupt of rationality and common sense. They would rather create another potential Cambodia and SE Asia by cutting and running (can anyone remember the Khmer Rouge that came in after we left? Millions dead) rather than in keeping things in control. These idiots don't even have the conviction to go more than a day without eating. What worthless idiots. Oh yeah, and Mother Sheehan is going to spend time in Crawford again. Lady, you used up your fifteen minutes. Join the Jersey Girls at the back of the used and abused civilians used by the Leftists in this country and kindly STFU.