Thursday, September 21, 2006

Some Other Candidate Has a Problem with that SurveyUSA Poll

This just in from Space Command the Nate Noy campaign headquarters, somewhere in the battleground state of Ohio:
Ohio Second Congressional District independent write-in candidate Nate Noy today continued on the path of his anti-corruption campaign trail by questioning the validity of a Survey USA Poll released yesterday showing him with only 1% of the likely vote for the upcoming general election.

Noy stated: “First Survey USA is the same group that showed Jean Schmidt up 20 points on Bob McEwen shortly before the primary; Bob released a subsequent poll showing the race was within 4-6 points. The final numbers were 48% to 42%, so where did Jean’s 20-point lead go in May?” Noy added: “The poll referred to me as ‘some other candidate’ which is the prerogative of the pollsters, but that are cheating the public by not recognizing my very legitimate campaign, we are certified by the Board of Elections and we have a FEC PAC, we are a factor in this race.”

Noy provided additional thoughts on why the poll likely lacks validity: “I have focused the early stages of my campaigning on Pike, Adams, Scioto , and Brown counties because after the primary it was said ‘no body lives there.’ This poll likely focused on Hamilton and Clermont Counties, so I doubt many calls were made to the 10,000+ people that have already made a commitment to vote for me.”
Some other candidate is somebody gosh darn it!

SurveyUSA is a useless poll...everybody knows that...nobody pays any attention to it for the very poll that some other candidate pointed out. All this press release did was let people know that some other candidate did poorly in it...not exactly a politically astute move... I wasn't even going to write on this poll at all until I got this I'm going to link to it.