Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Time to Sue Canada

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police LIED to the United States and a Canadian citizen was sent to Syria and was allegedly tortured.

This is CNN:
The U.S. transfer of a Canadian citizen to prison in Syria was likely caused by misleading information Canadian authorities gave to the Americans, a report from an inquiry into the deportation released Monday said.

After his release in 2003, Syrian-born Maher Arar made detailed allegations about extensive interrogation, beatings and whippings with electrical cable in Syrian prison cells.

Traveling on a Canadian passport, Arar was detained at a New York airport in September 2002 during a stopover on his way home to Canada from vacation in Tunisia. He claims he was a victim of extraordinary rendition -- or the transfer of foreign terror suspects to third countries without court approval.

Arar said U.S. authorities sent him to Syria for interrogation on suspicion of being a member of al Qaeda, an allegation he denied.
This guy met with someone who the Canadians were watching in a counter-terrorism operation, so when he showed up in New York, the Canadians decided to LIE to the United States:
Justice Dennis O'Connor released the report on Arar that concluded the Royal Canadian Mounted Police passed misleading, inaccurate and unfair information to U.S. authorities that "very likely" led to their decision to send Arar to Syria, but found no evidence Canadian officials participated in or agreed to the decision.

"It's quite clear that the RCMP sent inaccurate information to U.S. officials," Arar said. "I would not have even been sent Syria had this information not been given to them."

O'Connor absolved Arar of all suspicion of terrorist activity and urged the federal government to offer financial compensation for his suffering. He concluded Arar had been tortured.
Canada and Canadians can spare me the indignant condemnation...