Thursday, September 07, 2006

To the 40% or So DisUnified GOP Voters....

You get the government you deserve and vote, or in this case, don't vote, for. I was reading over on VikingSpirit's blog about numbers that show Ken Blackwell is only getting about 55-59% of Republican support. That jibes with the primary numbers, where Petro earned support in the 40s. It seems the Petrophiles only care about being sore losers. It seems their "unity" talk was all b.s.

Funny, folks, I thought we were all on the same side here. I thought we were all for moving Ohio forward, that we were for getting a governor who would LOWER TAXES, not raise them. Funny, I thought it was about keeping a kook Lefty out of office. I thought it was voting for the better of the two candidates, and obviously it is Ken Blackwell vs. Ted Strickland. However, all you Petrophiles who are withholding support are doing is crying in your beer. You would rather lose because it is not your guy rather than in doing what YOU KNOW is best for this state and for the party. No, rather to act like the Democrats, to whine and piss and moan because you didn't get YOUR candidate, you didn't get a candidate who will follow in full lock step. This has already been played out--in Connecticut. Rather than voting for the best person, people held out support for Lieberman based on a few issues, rather than the vast majority of issues where he agreed with him. Instead, they voted just based on some visceral dislike. And you know what is going to happen? The Dems will lose and Lieberman will win in November.

In this case, you Petroites are acting like Connecticut Democrats and You don't like Blackwell because he doesn't bow at your altar, he doesn't have nuance, whatever, he is not pure enough or moderate enough for you. Wow, how open of you. How great you are thinking of the state. And, if it is in fact true that the Ohio GOP is pulling back support, it doesn't surprise me because Bennett is nothing more than a RINO hack himself from Cuyahoga county. He is no more conservative or truly Republican than Lincoln Chafee.

Look, don't like many of my positions. You don't like many of Blackwell's positions. However, anyone with a clear bit of rationality, and I will give you all the benefit of the doubt because you are Republicans--cannot think that someone who is going to take Ohio from being the 3rd most taxed state to the 1st most taxed is good for the economy or the people of Ohio. Yet, that is exactly what YOU ALL are going to make happen if you don't vote for Blackwell come November. If you sit out and pout, if you vote for Strickland, you are voting against progress. You are voting for someone worse than Dick Celeste. You will see Ohio go down the sh**ter. And all because Blackwell doesn't fully speak your language. All because you think he doesn't have the common sense to listen to you and work with you once in office. For God's sake, he is a consummate politician. He follows the Reagan model. Reagan listened to even the moderates of his party and worked with them. Blackwell will do the same. Do you think Strickland will? Come on now. In these divisive times? Come on now. Get real.

So, I implore you. Think with your brain, not your bruised ego. Think about what is good for the state, not petty vengeance. Otherwise, you are going to give us all a horrible governor, and one who will not listen to any of us, conservative or moderate, all because we have an R next to our name. His rhetoric and his rhetoric prove it. And he says he stands by his rhetoric.

How many statements of unity and openness does it take for you Petrophiles? How many commissions must Jim be named to? How many RINOs does Blackwell have to promise jobs in the administration? Think about Ohio, not your slain ego.