Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Useless Nobodies Update

AP News Alert:
UNITED NATIONS (AP) U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan says that most Middle East leaders he spoke to believe the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was "a real disaster."
Yeah, Kofi, perhaps if you had managed UN affairs on the up and up instead of being on the take from Saddam, maybe this situation would be better. But no, the UN sat on the sidelines while Saddam made a mockery of your organization while buying you off with Oil for Food.

Actually, the invasion of Iraq was a splendid success. Granted, the counter-insurgency effort as of late has been pretty disappointing, but let's not take away the swift victory from our military that the fall of Saddam represents. I'm a believer in re-engagement in Iraq. We need more troops there, not less, to get this job done. And if the UN had actually cared about the validity of their own resolutions, we wouldn't be in this situation at all...