Friday, April 20, 2007

If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat...But They Can Cry About it

Check this story out from PR/US Newswire:
Candidate Clint Curtis, Democratic challenger for Florida's 24th Congressional District, today called for an independent investigation into election irregularities in his race to unseat incumbent Republican Tom Feeney in the 2006 Mid-term election. Four Congressional races remain contested in the state of Florida, pending further investigation by the U.S. House.

Curtis did not concede the race because his loss by 16% was much greater than the Zogby poll taken just weeks earlier and polling conducted by the online vote verification tool Instead, he enlisted a dedicated group of grassroots election integrity volunteers who have been Walking For Democracy by canvassing the 24th District since November. They have interviewed individual voters and gathered data. In every precinct studied, the data shows that Curtis received 12-24% more votes than stated in the official result. Unlike Christine Jennings in Florida's 13th Congressional District, which has 18,000 missing votes that cannot be verified, the group has gathered hard evidence that shows exactly where the election results are inaccurate.
A Democrat loses by 16 points and suddenly there is a consipracy!!! What will it take for Demcorats to realize that a poll is NOT an election???

Mr. Curtis, your ride is here...