Saturday, April 21, 2007

Profile in Real Gun Control: Miss America 1944

While liberals want to use a terrible tragedy like Va Tech to drum up support for trampling on our Constitutional rights, Miss America 1944 shows how guns can stop crime, as they do over 500,000 times a year, according to a government report. Here is the story:
Eighty-two-year-old former Miss America Venus Ramey shot out the tire of an SUV after she found trespassers on her land allegedly there to steal scrap metal, according to a report in the Interior Journal.

The Lincoln County newspaper reported that Ramey, a Kentucky native who was Miss America in 1944 and a former resident of Cincinnati, got her snub nose .38 after hearing noises about 6 p.m. on Friday, April 13.

The vehicle had backed up on her property where in one building she stores old machinery - some of it dating to the 1800s - that she inherited from her brother, the newspaper reported.

When she asked the men what they were doing, she said they told her they were "scrapping," in other words looking for scrap metal to sell to recyclers.

"I said, this happens to be my equipment, and they said, if you'll move your truck, we'll leave. I said, no you won't, and I shot one of their tires," Ramey told the newspaper.

Ramey, who ran unsuccessfully for the Kentucky General Assembly and for Cincinnati City Council and worked to save historic buildings in Over-the-Rhine, apparently held her gun in one hand while she steadied herself on her walker with the other, according to reports.

Deputies responding to a 911 call arrested Curtis Parish of Ohio for trespassing.

Parish complained to deputies that Ramey tried to shoot him in the leg.

Lincoln County Deputy Sheriff Danny Gilliam told the Interior Journal, "I think she shot exactly where she intended to shoot."

Gun toting Miss America 1944, we salute you....